Efficient logistics can contribute significantly to a company’s competitiveness by reducing costs, improving customer satisfaction, and enhancing overall operational effectiveness. The primary goal of our logistics program is to ensure that the right items are in the right place at the right time, while minimizing costs and maximizing efficiency. The benefits for our customers are improved job safety, decreased downtime, and increased operational efficiency.

  • Safety improvement is a key factor in this process as the offloading of material is mechanically performed. Our trucks utilize dash cameras – and GPS to ensure any safety issues are recorded. With this reporting, appropriate safety measures can be developed for the jobsite.
  • Less downtime for customers is realized by the efficiency of offloading sand utilizing Revolutions Energy Services logistics support services. Our process of offloading is realized in 5-7 minutes per truckload versus 30 minutes. Not only does it increase production by approximately 6 truckloads per hour, but it also minimizes truckdriver wait times. More loads can be hauled during a given 24 hour period, thus increasing productivity at the jobsite.
  • Efficiency in fleet maintenance is performed by our in-house personnel who service and maintain our trucks in our maintenance shop. We manage and optimize expenses related to labor, parts and equipment and can respond quickly to any issues that may arise.

Revolutions Energy Services logistics program saves time in offloading, maintains safety protocols, and increases productivity for our customers.